On-Site Cart

On-site CART is most commonly utilized in classrooms and educational environments.

CART (Communication Access Real-Time Translation) is a process of providing speech-to-text translation through a third party such as a trained stenographer, utilizing a Stenograph machine, a shorthand-based phonetic language, real-time software and a computer to transcribe the spoken word into written text instantly – in real-time.

On-site CART is also frequently employed during live conferences, presentations, seminars, and meetings of all types. A CART provider will physically be on-site with the consumer to produce a complete, accurate, simultaneous speech-to-text translation and display of the live event in real-time. The display is generated one-on-one via a laptop or for a large audience on a projection screen, television, or message board. A free transcript of the event is produced within 24 hours for the consumer's reference at a later time.

Some of the benefits of CART include, but are not limited to:

  • providing access to speech for the deaf or hard-of-hearing that may otherwise elude them
  • enhancing comprehension of materials for participants, engaging participants longer and more productively
  • improving accessibility for Universal Access


Remote CART

Remote CART is a method of providing Communication Access Real-Time Translation remotely via the internet.

Remote CART provides the same services and utility as on-site CART; however, instead of needing to be physically present at the location where the event is taking place, the CART Provider listens to the event using Voice Over IP (VoIP) Technology at a remote location. A communication access vehicle is used to display the text in a variety of ways, such as an html link on a computer or laptop, on a PDA device or SmartPhone, on a television monitor, or on a large projection screen. A roughly edited transcript is provided to the consumer with 24 hours of the event.


Distance Education

Distance education or distance learning is the fastest-growing segment of community college enrollment. It can be thought of as "virtual" learning. Distance learning is a field of education, which focuses on teaching methods and technology, eliminating the need for students to be physically present in the classroom. Technologies utilized to enable the student to be "remote" are: web conferencing, video conferencing, internet radio, live streaming, telephone, web-based VoIP, and public, educational, and governmental access (PEG) cable television channels.

Distance Education Captioning and Transcription provide a means for colleges to promote faculty innovation in the use of audio, video, and multimedia content in distance learning classes.

Distance education courses include:

  • Online courses
  • Telecourses
  • Hybrid course (51 percent online delivery or better)

Some state community colleges have been granted federal monies to provide captioning for distance education.